Council Meetings
Borough Council meets the 1st Tuesday of each month, for 2025:
January 7 April 1 July 8* October 7
February 4 May 6 August 5 November 3**
March 4 June 3 September 2 December 2
*change due to Pineknotters' Days **change due to election day
Council meets once a month, at times it has met twice a month. In the past, the first meeting was an official meeting to conduct business. The second meeting was usually a work session. In the recent past, all meetings were advertised as official meetings (primarily due to the sewer plant construction where timely action was required). All meetings must be advertised to obey the Sunshine Law.
Committee Meetings
Community Development: 2nd Monday Finance: 4th Tuesday
Public Safety: 3rd Tuesday Rules: 3rd Monday
Streets: 2nd Tuesday Wastewater: Same day as Council at 5:30 p.m.
Personnel – Meets in closed meetings
Emergency Services Board
Meets the 1st Monday @ 6:00 p.m.
Planning: 4th Thursday at 4:00 p.m.
Shade Tree: as needed
Zoning Hearing Board: advertised meetings as needed
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. in the Savidge Room of the 2nd Street Community Center, 175 Orange St