Borough Events
Make Safety a Priority!
If your organization is going to be having an event that involves the streets in the Borough, please submit an Event Planning Request Form to the Borough Office.
All Event Planning Request Forms received will be reviewed and considered for approval at the Public Safety Committee meetings, which meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00PM.
Look for the next art show during the week of Pineknotter Days 2024.
Interested in having your art displayed at the next art show? Submissions will be accepted at the Borough Building thru June 30th, 2024, during regular business hours.
Theme information to be determined closer to the show.
Community Yard Sales are usually the first weekend in September. Look for more information closer to the date.
The Halloween Parade is always the Wednesday before Halloween.
Trick-or-Treating is from 6pm-8pm on Halloween
It is usually the first Saturday in August. Look for more information closer to the date!
Music in the Park features a mix of artists during June, July and August. Artists perform Monday evenings at the Gazebo in King Street Park. Schedule of events to be announced closer to June. For information on sponsorship, please reach out to
The 51st Annual Pineknotters Days will be the week of July 4th at King Street park (unless otherwise noted), with the Soapbox Race being the Saturday, and the Pinemudder being the Sunday of the event. More information to come closer to the date of the event.